School of Chemistry and Biochemistry proposes an ACS Bridge Site for adding more underrepresented minority students at the M.S. and Ph.D. levels
Annual student surveys of faculty earns awards for 40 Georgia Tech instructors
Online education winner Schatz believes shelter-in-place learning will lead to more innovation in teaching
Two months after a rapid evolution to remote learning and teaching, College of Sciences students, faculty, and graduate teaching assistants share perspectives, challenges, surprises, and what they’ve learned together — apart.
Work by scientists in all six schools earns recognition and continued research opportunities
Astrobiologists are using their expertise to help produce necessary components for Covid-19 test kits in the state of Georgia.
It was so obvious the country was going to have a hand sanitizer crisis, but few wanted to acknowledge it.
GT-ORNL still has funding available for graduate, postdoc students in wide range of disciplines.
Although the pandemic and travel visas interrupted schedules for several first-years who planned to study on campus this fall, accommodations in Shenzhen, China and Metz, France are helping students start their academic careers on time, with their peers.
Staff advocacy and advisory group gets ready to meet to address challenges, opportunities for growth